Hotel Indigo Verona - Grand Hotel Des Arts
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Piazza dei Signori

Located just a few steps from Romeo’s and Juliet’s House, Stone Bridge, and New Bridge.

The most fascinating buildings that alternate along its sides are Palazzo della Ragione, with its privileged access to the Old Market, Palazzo del Podestà, Loggia del Consiglio, Palazzo di Cansignorio and the Church of Santa Maria Antica, where the remains of the most famous representatives of the Della Scala family lie (Mastino II della Scala, Cansignorio and Cangrande I della Scala).

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Piazza Dante

Piazza dei Signori is also referred to as Piazza Dante, due to the presence of the white marble statue of Dante Alighieri, placed here in 1865. Legend has it that the great poet himself stayed at one of the buildings facing the square and fell so in love with the city that thought to pay his regards to two of the noblest families of the times… the Montague and Cappelletti (or Capulets). Does that ring any bell?

The bronze model of the statue is kept in the collections of the Achille Forti Gallery of Modern Art, also in Verona.

statue of Girolamo Fracastoro

Piazza dei Signori is also home for the statue of Girolamo Fracastoro, an illustrious 16th-century doctor, philosopher, and astrologer.

His statue tops the arch surmounting via Fogge and represents him in the full figure while holding up the world (also called, literally, the “ball of Fracastoro”).

Legend has it that the "ball" was destined to fall on the head of each "gentleman" passing nearby… since it never happened, the locals have been gossiping for centuries about a certain “shortage of gentlemen” in Verona.

Verona's nightlife
Piazza dei Signori has been chosen as a privileged meeting place for Verona's nightlife. It is here that people gather for a moonlit "sonata", a “drink and meet” at the bars overlooking the square and a chat with friends.

Hotel Indigo Verona - Grand Hotel Des Arts

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