Hotel Indigo Verona - Grand Hotel Des Arts
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A neighborhood to discover.
Welcome to Verona.

The fictional passion between Romeo and Juliet draws thousands to Verona every year, but it’s the very real loves and obsessions of the city’s residents past and present that make our neighborhood so special. Passion, torment, devotion, but also a tenacious hope, which never lets itself be suffocated: that’s what inflames the souls of our people and capture the imagination of visitors.

Atmospheres and influences that can be breathed especially here, at Hotel Indigo Verona – Grand Hotel des Arts, as well as in the streets and alleys of the neighborhood. Places full of history, art, culture, and traditions, inhabited by “heroic” citizens, so attached to their territory and animated by the common will to constantly improve themselves and the city they live in, to be a true inspiration.

In the neighborhood, historic buildings and museums that religiously preserve the relics of the past coexist with a constantly renewed district, Porta Nuova. True to its soul, the district is and always will be prepared to face the challenges of the future without fear, without uncertainties, and with unparalleled courage.

It is the passion that flows through our veins and permeates the air, the secret of Verona’s charm.

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A neighborhood renewing itself, yet maintaining its character:
Welcome to Porta Nuova District

Rich in historic buildings dating back to the medieval, Renaissance, and contemporary eras, our neighborhood, the Porta Nuova district, has faced important metamorphoses throughout the centuries. No matter how deep those changes have been or will be in the future, though: the true soul of it will keep shining through, unaltered.

Our guests can have a taste of it by walking through the neighborhood: they will only need to step towards the access gates to the inner city, designed by the 16th-century architect Michele Sanmicheli, reach the frescoes Museum BG Cavalcaselle and then, in the enchanting setting of a 13th-century convent, enjoy a visit to Juliet's tomb.

If they feel so inclined, they also can follow the lead of Corso di Porta Nuova to Piazza Bra and find the Arena, La Gran Guardia, Palazzo Guastaverza, Palazzo Bevilacqua, Palazzo Barbieri, or take the time to visit the collection of extraordinary artifacts, dating back to the second half of the 18th century, hosted at the Maffeiano Lapidary Museum.

A “family” business.
Verona: more than a city
The whole history of Verona is marked by the presence of some of the greatest noble families of all the time: people that struggled and fought to make the city more and more powerful over the centuries. The Della Scala clan, which has transformed Verona from a simple municipality to a Signoria, the marquisate of Canossa, the Maffei, Bevilacqua, and Cipolla families: these are the benefactors that contributed to shaping the face of the city, maintaining its traditions, cultivate its talents. Let's not forget, then, the Capulets and Montagues, stars of our favorite Shakespearean drama, "Romeo and Juliet": did you know that they really existed and that it wasn't just Shakespeare who named them in his works? Even Dante Alighieri (whose statue stands fiercely in the charming setting of Piazza dei Signori) named them, in his Inferno.
The air you breathe in Verona:
The opera season and theater festivals
At a short distance from our hotel stand Piazza Bra and the Arena. Due to this proximity, it may happen that, opening your windows on a clear summer night, you could pick up the familiar notes of some of the Operas played during the Season. Also featuring three other theaters, the Philharmonic, the Ristori, and the Roman Theater, Verona offers plenty of occasions to enjoy music festivals, concerts, performances, and happenings. Among the most appreciated we would like to mention the Jazz Festival and the Shakespearean Festival, in town each summer. The annual calendar of events also features a variety of “tasty” and equally enjoyable choices such as Vinitaly - the Wine& Spirits Fair, the traditional Carnival, and Tocatì - the International Street Games Festival. Last but not least, let’s mention the fairs, exhibitions, and events hosted at museums, meeting and congress venues such as Veronafiere and Palazzo della Gran Guardia: unique opportunities to cultivate personal interests as well as growing business and networks.

Castelvecchio, palazzo Canossa, and palazzo Siniscalchi, places where history revives

Rare gems in Verona

A few kilometers away from our hotel is Castelvecchio: born a medieval fortress, renovated in the 1950s by architect Carlo Scarpa, is now home to one of the most popular museums in Verona.

Browsing around, you will also find the Castelvecchio Bridge, with its characteristic shape and coloring, Palazzo Canossa, Piazza dei Signori, and Piazza delle Erbe, the houses of Romeo and Juliet, and Palazzo Miniscalchi, which also houses a museum.

The former residences of the Canossa and Miniscalchi families have hosted, over the centuries, illustrious celebrities such as Emperors, Tsars, Popes, and Kings. So, if you want to "live history", this is where we recommend you go.