Hotel Indigo Verona - Grand Hotel Des Arts
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Palazzo Gran Guardia

Located in Piazza Bra, beyond the gardens that separate it from the Arena, Palazzo della Gran Guardia is an architectural complex with austere lines and imposing dimensions, often chosen to host conferences, meetings, exhibitions and events.

The two-story building façade is marked by the imposing arched colonnade and the openings of the large rectangular windows that guarantee an eye-catching effect on the visitors. The medieval details, restored and preserved in their originality, are also fascinating and serve as a reference to the other architectures in the city (the noble palaces Guastaverza and Bevilacqua, Palazzo Barbieri, the nearby Arena).

(Visited 563 times, 1 visits today)

Events and exhibitions

The interior spaces are equally majestic: divided into five levels, they are capable to host the most eclectic events… and demanding exhibitors.

Bright, large and articulated spaces make it the ideal location for art events and exhibitions, as well as film reviews, political and socio-economic meetings and medical conferences.

A curiosity:
in 2007 the Gran Guardia hosted an exhibition (together with Mantua and Padua) dedicated to the works of Mantegna; in 2019 - 2020, it hosted the exhibition dedicated to "Giacometti's time: from Chagall to Kandinsky", with works by Braque, Chagall, Miró, Kandinsky, Derain, Léger.

Hotel Indigo Verona - Grand Hotel Des Arts

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